Are you a connected cancer patient? Tell the President’s Cancer Panel what you think!

This blog was originally published July 6, 2015 on my Cure Today blog.
hcldr connected cancer patient chat

Like many cancer patients, you are part of connected health: by reading this blog, you are using technology like the Internet, computers and smartphones to access information about a disease or patient experience.

This year the President’s Cancer Panel workshop series is addressing various aspects of connected health. Their third workshop on July 9, titled The Connected Cancer Patient: Vision for the Future and Recommendations for Action, will be open to the public (see agenda and attendees ).

Cancer patient advocates Corrie Painter, Stacey Tinianov and I will be participating in the July President’s Cancer Panel Workshop.  To help gather input for the event, we will be guests on the Healthcare Leadership (#hcldr) tweetchat Tuesday, July 7, at 8:30pm Eastern Time.  The questions we will be addressing are… [read more]

The President’s Cancer Panel Wants … ME?

When the Twitter icon indicated I had a new direct message last Tuesday, I took my time opening it. I was down with a bad case of the flu, including a fever and a cough that had stolen my voice, and I wasn’t at the top of my game.  When I finally clicked on the icon, I felt a jolt of adrenaline.

The message was from “@PresCancerPanel” and started “We’d like to invite you to …” …continue reading


Edit May 7, 2015:  list of March 2015 workshop participants